Galleries : Undying Tales 2021 : UT 26 - Green Peafowl


GREEN PEAFOWL - 6.5x6.5 inches $235.00 sold
Peafowl - 6x4.5 inches $115.00 sold
Dance Partners - 6x4.5 inches $95.00 sold
Faery - 3x6 inches $125.00 sold

Pavo muticus

Status: Endangered. Habitat in tropical southeast Asia is fragmented and destroyed. Wild population is declining and limited to small areas of Thailand and Indonesia.

The Dai people of southeast Asia, combine many shamanistic beliefs and practices into Buddhism, something that remains from their background of being animists before Buddhism became the dominant religion. Peacocks were revered as being messengers and embodiments of compassion, beauty, and peace.

The ancient monarchs of Burma used the green peafowl as their royal emblem, and it remains a symbol of anti-colonial movements.

In Cambodia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and other countries of southeast Asia there is the peafowl folk dance. It is a traditional performance where the dancers are dressed as peacocks and their movements are inspired by the elegant peacock fan of feathers and beauty.

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Size: 7 x 7 inches
Medium: Ink
©2021, Stephanie Law
Original: Sold

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